Vinyl Records Direct is an online shop and auction platform allowing sellers to sell their unwanted Music, Videos, Games and collectable items.
We developed a custom solution to allow sellers to sign up to the site with a variety of recurring membership options and then sell their items on the site as either Buy It Now listings or Timed Auction listings.
We developed custom solutions to allow Vinyl Records Direct to:
- Seller Membership Management System (with recurring payments)
- Monthly Listing Limits on lower membership levels
- Charge a variable commission on sales dependant on membership level
- Seller Dashboard
- Allowing sellers to add/edit their own products
- Set shipping rates
- Manage orders from buyers
- Seller fees – allowing Vinyl Records Direct to charge certain membership levels fees for specific listing features (e.g. 1 day auctions, buy it now)
- External API Integration for looking up product information when sellers are adding products
- Item condition & meta data system
- Bulk Relisting of seller products
- Quick edit system for sellers products
- Timed Auction Listings (with optional Buy It Now)
- Buy It Now Listings